Casey Davis, owner, with his wife Carolyn Davis

Hi, I'm Casey.

My wife Carolyn and I live in Central Wisconsin, a place I’ve called home for more than 20 years. I specialize in developing handmade solutions for specific needs. My customers reach out to me when they are looking for something they can’t buy or build themselves. I like the process of seeing the overall vision, making the pieces, and putting them together. I’d love to help you, too! So if I can help you with something you don’t see here on my site, please reach out.

Why Groundwater Models?

As a University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point graduate in General Resource Management, I used ground water models to learn how our water and contaminates flow through the various substrates beneath our feet. Years later, I was honored for the opportunity to start building the empty models for the Groundwater Model Project student group at UWSP. Over time, I took a greater role in the manufacture of these models–not just making them, but to take on filling them as well as fulfilling orders. This allowed the students who were responsible for those tasks to focus more on their education. A portion of all sales go directly to the Groundwater Model Project at UWSP.

Why Garden Boxes?

When my wife Carolyn and I were first married, our interest in gardening was only the size of a tiny seed but has been growing ever since. After my accident in 2011, which left me in a wheelchair, our plans for gardening were put on hold while we adapted to the new lifestyle and building an accessible home. We explored gardening in a small backyard plot, with minimal success. Once we discovered the Square Foot Gardening Method, we started seeing good yields. The only problem we faced was how to effectively implement the method. We couldn’t find any raised beds or plans that made gardening in a wheelchair easy. Plus, nothing measured up to the vision in my head. So I designed and build my own raised garden beds. Each year we added a few more and created a configuration that has made gardening so much more rewarding. I’d love to help you find greater joy and yields in your gardening, too.